City of Bath Heraldic Society Useful links


The Heraldry Society exists to increase and extend interest in and knowledge of heraldry, armory, chivalry, genealogy and allied subjects.


The Society of Genealogists offers a unique combination of research material, guidance and support for those interested in family history and the lives of earlier generations. Its library has an extensive heraldry section.

The College of Arms is the official repository of the coats of arms and pedigrees of English, Welsh, Northern Irish and Commonwealth families and their descendants.

The White Lion Society, founded in 1986, raises funds for the purchase of items or services of historical or heraldic importance for Her Majesty's College of Arms in London.

Somerset Heraldry Society: A growing band of friends, a dining club, and a group interested in heraldry and everything else. A society formed to study and discuss the Heraldry of Somerset and all countries who have a history of heraldry.

The Society of Heraldic Arts is a non-profit making international guild of heraldic artists, craftsmen and designers, providing a wide range of services to the public and to commercial, civic and corporate organizations.

Oxford University Heraldry Society, the oldest heraldry society in Britain (1835), has been re-founded (2009) under the chairmanship of Fr Mark Turnham Elvins. A website has been launched and a programme of visits and meetings is being developed.


The Middlesex Heraldry Society has ceased to meet, but its website is maintained for those who enjoy exploring the heraldry, ancient and modern, of the historic County of Middlesex and its cities of London and Westminster.

The Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry is the principal family history society for the counties of Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire. We promote, maintain, and encourage: good practice, research, preservation of records (including transcription and publication), publication and dissemination of good practice, collaboration with other interested bodies in connection with genealogy and heraldry.

The Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies (IHGS) was the first centre for Family History Studies. Founded in 1961, it offers a wide range of courses on family history, heraldry and related historical subjects. With its formidable library and collections of manuscripts and research facilities, it was brought to Canterbury's Northgate and housed in fine medieval buildings by Cecil Humphery-Smith.

Burke's Peerage & Gentry International Register of Arms, a register of armorial bearings in current use throughout the world which includes the names, addresses and family biographies of the bearers along with the rationale and history behind their use and design. Contains useful lists of heraldry societies and heraldic authorities.

Webmaster: Andrew Gray

Update: 24/10/2019