City of Bath Heraldic Society Heraldry in Glamorgan, etc.

  Our member in Wales, Anthony L. Jones FHS, has produced a comprehensive guide to the heraldry visible in churches, castles and manor houses throughout the historic county of Glamorgan. This was originally published as Heraldry in Glamorgan in 26 volumes, but the whole collection is now available in digital media as part of the Heraldry Society's Heraldry Archive project. Each volume is a separate Portable Document Format (PDF) file - a facsimile of the original, but with readable text, so that you can search it and copy it as well as read it.


In addition, Tony has prepared an impressive set of colour plates illustrating the heraldry of the county, and of the whole Principality.  Other plates illustrate the heraldry of key mediaeval battles, monasteries, prime ministers, and more besides.  Several of these plates have been inserted into the Heraldry in Glamorgan pages, where relevant, but we have also grouped the whole collection of about fifty plates into themes, and loaded them onto the disk under the title Armorial Paintings.


To browse the detailed content of these collections, click one of the links below. To purchase on disk or USB flash drive, send a cheque to the Hon. Treasurer for £20, or buy it at one of our meetings.


The disk will run in Microsoft Windows, and needs a web browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, Netscape, etc.), with Adobe Reader



Heraldry in Glamorgan


Armorial Paintings

Webmaster: Andrew Gray

Update: 24/10/2022